As part of a recent analyst briefing, I created a fairly comprehensive application with multiple integrations from scratch in less than 60 mins which is shown in the video at the end of the post. If you’ve never heard of the low code approach to app development before then get ready because you’re about to…
Category: eForms
Form Based Applications – SharePoint Data Source
In this article we are going to look into form based application using SharePoint as a data source. This has been the most awaited feature in v7.0 where you could create standalone data driven applications which do not need a process model and replace the OOTB SharePoint ListForm. The OOTB SharePoint ListForm is single column…
Offline eForms With AgilePoint NX – iOS Devices
In one of my previous blog posts, I described how AgilePoint eForms can be accessed in Offline mode and also explained all the key features for Offline eForms. In case you have not looked at it, you can refer to the following link Offline eForms With AgilePoint NX – Android In this article, I would…
Offline eForms With AgilePoint NX – Android
With 7.0 we would be opening up one of the most awaited features in the product i.e. Offline eForms capability. The offline capability is available not just for new request but also the task forms as well. It is a more advanced implementation of Offline compared to some of the other products with following features…
Form Based Applications – Creating Customized Widgets and Portlets
With the introduction of Page Builder module in AgilePoint NX, customers can create nice looking portal pages by simply dragging and dropping widgets onto the page designer. We have tried to cover most common widgets which will help a designer create rich and powerful home page, dashboard etc. in the portal but we also realized…
Form Based Applications – Adding a Custom Search View
Search screens are integral part of the overall end to end solution for any application created and you would hardly find any application which will not require a search screen to have quick reporting on already existing data. Though it was possible to create search screens in past in Process based apps as well, with…
Form Based Applications – Custom Database as Data Source
In the previous article I covered how to create Form Based App (FBA) using Salesforce entities and also gave a detailed overview of what is Form Based App. In this article, I am going to show, how to create a Form Based App on top of already designed database tables in your backend SQL database. Data in form-based…
Form Based Applications – Data Entities as Data Source
In the previous article I covered how to create Form Based App (FBA) using Salesforce entities and also gave a detailed overview of what is Form Based App. In this article, I am going to show, how to create a Form Based App on top of already designed data entity in AgilePoint NX. In one of my…
Form Based Applications – Salesforce Data Source
In this article we are going to look into next big feature which was introduced in AgilePoint NX v7.0 release which is Form based application which is also commonly known as Form as a Service (FaaS) or Data Driven Apps. This has been the most awaited feature in v7.0 where you could create standalone data…
Natively Embed AgilePoint NX End User Components in Third Party Web Portals
What I am going to cover in this article has been without doubt one of the most unique and sought after feature of AgilePoint NX in past few months. A lot of clients who decide to adopt a low code platform are often faced with a dilemma where they have a lot of existing investment…
Specify custom column width for Data Grid in eForm
In the following article I would show how you can specify custom column width for Data Grid in eForms by using some minimal JavaScript. Suppose your grid has 3 columns where you wish to specif 25% width to first 2 columns each and 50% width to last column. You could insert CSS in the CSS…
Natively embed eForms into a WordPress portal
Last year I worked on a interesting concept during my spare time to create a WordPress plugin to make AgilePoint components available in WordPress. WordPress is one of the most famous web portal in the world and having full featured enterprise forms available in WordPress sounded an interesting concept as you could send/receive data from…
How to embed custom AgileReport into your eForms
AgileReports is an AgilePoint NX component where you can create, run, and configure reports and reports settings related to data in your applications. It lets you create Interactive Ad-hoc dashboards and Advanced Visualization based reports based on your custom application data. Sometimes your target audience might want to see these reports right within the context of…
Edit filename in File Upload control before it is uploaded to the target repository
I am going to walk you through a handy code snippet which can be used in case you wish to rename a file while uploading it to the file upload control and before it is uploaded to the target repository. This would be a rare scenario as most of the times users just want to…
Disable caching of lookup within a form session
There is a caching mechanism implemented for Lookup to improve the performance of the eForm loading. The caching is applicable for the current session (until the form is submitted) and for the exact same query. If the query change (where clause value change), Auto Lookup will retrieve new values. The way it works is that…
Extending AgilePoint Platform – No hitting the Brickwall here
Most of the AgilePoint customers use AgilePoint as a process enabling platform for which becomes a backbone of their entire IT infrastructure. The reason for this is that AgilePoint does not limit you to just OOTB functionality but provides an extremely extensible framework of components which can added on top of the ones available OOTB….
SharePoint Term Store lookup and Managed Metadata column support in eForms
For any company which works with SharePoint 2013 and beyond, managed metadata and term store support is something you will run into often. I have recorded a video which covers the support for managed metadata and ability to bind SharePoint term set lookup to a dropdown kind of control. This enables users to lookup a term set…
Local file system as file repository for eForms
When it comes to supporting document repositories for file upload, AgilePoint provides a wide array of choices as shown below. At the time of writing this article, support for NetSuite, FTP and SFTP were just about to be released so are missing from the screenshot but would be made available in a month’s time. The list…
Upload large files using eForms
In a regular scenario people usually upload files ranging from few Kilobytes to few Megabytes only but in some rare scenarios there is a use case to upload large file as big as hundreds on Megabytes through the form. AgilePoint NX eForms makes file upload max limit configurable through the file upload control as shown below However…
Multi Lingual Forms
Ability to define multiple languages on the same form is a highly sought after feature by big enterprises who have participants spread across multiple countries. Please do not confuse this with the 10-12 languages in which entire AgilePoint product is localized. This is the feature specific to forms as most of the users directly deal…