Continuing on from my previous blog post on Analytics Overview series, in this post, I am going to walk you through the process of enabling analytics on Data Entities created within AgilePoint NX platform to facilitate creation of comprehensive report and dashboard for Data Entities.
This has been a highly sought after feature within our customer base who wanted an easier yet highly governed setup of reporting against data collected in an entity which can be controlled by entity owner himself. Previously with the existing reporting product, they had to involve DBA to setup metadata for the selected entity using server side tools before they could see the entity in their report designer.
As part of our citizen developer focus in AgilePoint NX v7.0, we introduced a native, drag-and-drop data designer called Data Entities. This meant that citizen developers no longer needed database administrator skill set to design tables to use and store data in an application, as it could be done directly within the browser by point and click. For those less technical designers, this represented a huge productivity boost, that’s about to get a whole lot more powerful in AgilePoint NX v8.0.
With this release, we provide a way for entity owners to precisely control who can report against an entity without needing to go through DBA for every small change. Moreover, they can even control which fields within an entity can be used in analytics reports and dashboards and all this can be controlled from within your browser without having to go through any client side setup tools.
To know more about how any newly created Data Entities can be readily made available in Analytics Center, please watch the following video.
Please note that you might see Data Entities module still carrying old look and feel. They were not part of original v8.0 redesign scope but we are trying our best to squeeze in redesign of this module if we can finish rest of the remaining tasks on time.