There are multiple ways of adding participants on the fly to the process even though they might not have been initially in the original process design. These capabilities were there in AgilePoint since beginning. Here are few options
Option 1: Create Linked WorkItem – Permits creating tasks for others in an ad-hoc manner.
In this option when a user for e.g. a supervisor has a task and now he wants to add other users in an ad-hoc way just for this case/instance, where all users use the form associate with current activity and perform the work for e.g. add comments or status. Supervisor would click on his task and select “Create Linked WorkItem” option
And add other users on the fly to same stage/activity. They all will see the form associate with the activity and can work on it.
Option 2: Process Adaptation – Permits user to bring in SME in a way that you can add user to current activity but you can chose what form is assigned to the newly added user. Also it gives you flexibility of defining the execution order of the tasks. So you can switch parallel approval to sequential as per your needs or vice versa. For e.g. if I am an insurance adjuster and looking at a claim and feel it is a potential fraud claim and want to bring in a special investigation unit to review just this claim but want them to finish the work before I complete my task, I can add them and then change execution order from parallel to sequential.
Here is how it works
As you can see initially there is only one user on the activity
If I click process adaptation button which is available for advanced human activity, it brings up a config window where I changed execution order from parallel to sequential and can even select the form which this new user would see from within collection of forms I have and added new user
As you can see my task is canceled and new task is created for user and once he completes his task, I will be assigned a task
If I kept it as parallel, both me and other user added in ad-hoc way have a task
Option 3: Initiating subprocess on the fly
You can also initiate child process fragments on the fly. In this case you might assign activity to a supervisor and he can be shown a grid or repeating section on the form where he selects what stages/child process he wants to add to the process and on clicking a button make a REST API call from form or process to AgilePoint to spawn those child processes.
Option 4: Dynamic participants defined on form.
A lot of times the use cases clients have is as simple as that they want a task to be assigned to a supervisor and then he decides to add users to the instance. You can ofcourse do it with #1 and #2 shown above which are more like case management but it can be as simple as providing supervisor an interface where he selects multiple users and submits the form and in next step the variable where these names are stored is used to assign task to these team members i.e. supervisor has a task to assign work and # of people for subsequent steps in the process. Supervisor can select different # of users for each instance and can even bypass some of the steps by not providing inputs.