For any company which works with SharePoint 2013 and beyond, managed metadata and term store support is something you will run into often.
I have recorded a video which covers the support for managed metadata and ability to bind SharePoint term set lookup to a dropdown kind of control.
This enables users to lookup a term set from SharePoint term store and display on a dropdown or some other lookup enabled controls. This is the functionality people had enquired about in past to see if there can be a way to utilize the same term store which is tied to a list rather than having to define a static list separately on AgilePoint side.
This video was recorded at the time when this functionality was in beta mode and has been since made generally available. Please ignore some of the terminologies used in the video and screen dialogs for e.g. dialogs might use terminology like term store but those were changed to proper terminology like term set as term store will contains term set and that’s what we deal with. UI wise there has been be some cleanup of description and terminologies. However the concept shown in video remains the same.